We’ll start with what you could call the fundamental properties and capabilities of CSS, ones that we commonly use to build CSS-based websites: Padding vs. margin Floats Center alignment Ordered vs. unordered lists Styling headings Overflow Position Once you are comfortable with the basics, we will kick it up a notc..
롤오버 효과를 내는데는 아래 그림에서와 같이 2가지 방법이 있다. 방법1. 그림 2개를 만들어서 스위칭. 방법2. 하나의 그림 파일에 위,아래로 마우스OUT, 마우스OVER 이미지를 올려놓고 CSS로 조절. RSS Feed #navigation li a#rssfeed { background: url(images/rssfeed_bg.jpg) no-repeat top left; } #navigation li a#rssfeed:hover { background-position: bottom left; } [출처]
보호되어 있는 글입니다.
When you want to avoid that text in a web page wraps, you can use: overflow:hidden However, it's nice to show to users that some content is actually missing. This is typically done with an ellipsis character, that is displayed as three dots: ... Getting this working across all modern browsers has always been a pain in the neck, but there's an easy solution. First, make sure you have a small elli..
Creating equal height columns with CSS is not as easy as it may first seem. This tutorial highlights the display problems that occur with multiple column layouts, and then shows a simple solution that works in all common web browsers. The method shown here is 100% CSS hack-free, image-free and JavaScript-free so it can even be used on the most strictly coded websites. For those who want some act..
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