티스토리 뷰

ABCUpload 마지막 무료 버젼



한글 깨지지 않게 하기 위해서는 폼 변수 끝에 (1) 를 붙여야 함!!!

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("ABCUpload4.XForm")
Upload.Maxuploadsize = x * 1048576  '최대 파일 사이즈 지정
Upload.AbsolutePath = True '절대 경로로 접근
Upload.Overwrite = True '같은 파일 있을 때 덮어쓰기 가능으로 설정
Upload.CodePage = 65001 '949=한글

postTitleValue = Upload("title")(1)

ReadRead in raw uploaded data from a file.
SaveSave the raw uploaded data.
SetUserImpersonate a different user.
ItemYesA set of fields referenced by name or number.
CountNoThe number of field sets available.
IDNoThe form unique ID.
AbsolutePathNoWhether to use absolute or virtual paths.
OverwriteNoWhether to overwrite existing files.
MaxUploadSizeNoThe maximum size of uploads to allow.
UserNoThe current identity being used by ABCUpload.
DomainNoThe domain which the user belongs to.
CodePageNoThe character set codepage to use.
MultipartNoWhether multipart data was submitted.
StreamsNoWhether to use NTFS streams.

SaveAllows you to save the contents of a field. * 저장하는 메서드
NameNoThe name of the HTML field.
ContentYesThe content of the field as a string.
LengthNoThe size of the data held in the field. * 파일사이즈
FileExistsNoIf a file was uploaded. * 업로드되었는지
FileNameNoThe URL safe uploaded filename.
FileTypeNoThe inferred file name extension of the file.
MIMETypeNoThe MIME type of the uploaded file. * 마임타입
MacBinaryNoIf the file was encoded as MacBinary.
SafeFileNameNoThe Windows safe filename.
RawFileNameNoThe uploaded filename. * 파일이름 구하기
RawFileTypeNoThe file name extension of the file.
RawFilePathNoThe uploaded filepath.
DataNoThe data within the uploaded file.
ResourceNoThe resource data within the uploaded file.
RawDataNoThe raw uploaded file data.
RawLengthNoThe raw uploaded file length.
ImageTypeNoThe type of image file uploaded.* 이미지파일종류
ImageWidthNoThe width of image file uploaded.* 이미지 넓이
ImageHeightNoThe height of image file uploaded.* 이미지 높이
