티스토리 뷰
'****************************************************** '* Function strip_tags(str) As String '* 태그 제거하고 반환 '* '* Function strip_tags2(str, allowtags) As String '* allowtags 태그들을 제외한 태그 제거하고 반환 '****************************************************** Function strip_tags( strHTML ) If NOT isset(strHTML) Then Exit Function Dim objRegExp, strOutput Set objRegExp = New Regexp With objRegExp .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True .Pattern = "<(.|\n)+?>" '// s/<(.*?)>//g 또는 s/<[a-zA-Z\/][^>]*>//g strOutput = .Replace(strHTML, "") 'Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty string End With 'Replace all < and > with < and > 'strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "<", "<") 'strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">", ">") strip_tags = strOutput 'Return the value of strOutput Set objRegExp = Nothing End Function '// strip_tags2("문자열", "b,strong,font,br,p,table,tr,td") Function strip_tags2( str , allowtags ) Dim content, tags If NOT isset(str) Then Exit Function content = str tags = replace(allowtags,",","|") 'content = preg_replace("<(\/?)(?!\/|" & tags & ")([^<>]*)?>", "<$1$2>", content) content = preg_replace("<(\/?)(?!\/|" & tags & ")([^<>]*)?>", "", content) content = preg_replace("(javascript\:|vbscript\:)+","$1//",content) content = preg_replace("(\.location|location\.|onload=|\.cookie|alert\(|window\.open\(|onmouse|onkey|onclick|view\-source\:)+","//",content) '//자바스크립트 실행방지 strip_tags2 = content End Function Function strip_html(strHTML) If NOT isset(strHTML) Then Exit Function Dim objRegExp, strOutput Set objRegExp = New Regexp With objRegExp .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True .Pattern = "?(?i:script|embed|object|frameset|frame|iframe|meta|link|style)(.|\n)*?>" strOutput = .Replace(strHTML, "") 'Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty string End With 'Replace all < and > with < and > 'strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "<", "<") 'strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">", ">") strip_html = strOutput 'Return the value of strOutput Set objRegExp = Nothing End Function '// http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/639/Removing-HTML-from-the-text-in-ASP Function RemoveHTML(strText) Dim TAGLIST : TAGLIST = "" '// allow tags 'TAGLIST = ";!--;!DOCTYPE;A;ACRONYM;ADDRESS;APPLET;AREA;B;BASE;BASEFONT;" &_ ' "BGSOUND;BIG;BLOCKQUOTE;BODY;BR;BUTTON;CAPTION;CENTER;CITE;CODE;" &_ ' "COL;COLGROUP;COMMENT;DD;DEL;DFN;DIR;DIV;DL;DT;EM;EMBED;FIELDSET;" &_ ' "FONT;FORM;FRAME;FRAMESET;HEAD;H1;H2;H3;H4;H5;H6;HR;HTML;I;IFRAME;IMG;" &_ ' "INPUT;INS;ISINDEX;KBD;LABEL;LAYER;LAGEND;LI;LINK;LISTING;MAP;MARQUEE;" &_ ' "MENU;META;NOBR;NOFRAMES;NOSCRIPT;OBJECT;OL;OPTION;P;PARAM;PLAINTEXT;" &_ ' "PRE;Q;S;SAMP;SCRIPT;SELECT;SMALL;SPAN;STRIKE;STRONG;STYLE;SUB;SUP;" &_ ' "TABLE;TBODY;TD;TEXTAREA;TFOOT;TH;THEAD;TITLE;TR;TT;U;UL;VAR;WBR;XMP;" Const BLOCKTAGLIST = ";APPLET;EMBED;FRAMESET;HEAD;NOFRAMES;NOSCRIPT;OBJECT;SCRIPT;STYLE;" Dim nPos1, nPos2, nPos3, strResult, strTagName, bRemove, bSearchForBlock nPos1 = InStr(strText, "<") Do While nPos1 > 0 nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, strText, ">") If nPos2 > 0 Then strTagName = Mid(strText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) strTagName = Replace(Replace(strTagName, vbCr, " "), vbLf, " ") nPos3 = InStr(strTagName, " ") If nPos3 > 0 Then strTagName = Left(strTagName, nPos3 - 1) End If If Left(strTagName, 1) = "/" Then strTagName = Mid(strTagName, 2) bSearchForBlock = False Else bSearchForBlock = True End If If InStr(1, TAGLIST, ";" & strTagName & ";", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then bRemove = True If bSearchForBlock Then If InStr(1, BLOCKTAGLIST, ";" & strTagName & ";", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then nPos2 = Len(strText) nPos3 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, strText, "" & strTagName, vbTextCompare) If nPos3 > 0 Then nPos3 = InStr(nPos3 + 1, strText, ">") End If If nPos3 > 0 Then nPos2 = nPos3 End If End If End If Else bRemove = False End If If bRemove Then strResult = strResult & Left(strText, nPos1 - 1) strText = Mid(strText, nPos2 + 1) Else strResult = strResult & Left(strText, nPos1) strText = Mid(strText, nPos1 + 1) End If Else strResult = strResult & strText strText = "" End If nPos1 = InStr(strText, "<") Loop strResult = strResult & strText RemoveHTML = strResult End Function
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