티스토리 뷰




장점: 무료, 한글
단점: 운영체제 MS Windows 만 지원

설치 완료 단계에서 재부팅 요구되며
재부팅 후 ipDisk 실행

연결선택 옵션에서 FTP 선택하고
자신의 연결환경에 맞게 입력 후 서버연결 버튼 클릭하여
드라이브 매핑 후 윈도우 탐색기에서 사용




제작사: Ferro Software

장점: Freeware
단점: UTF-8 인코딩 지원안함

Size: 482 KB

요구사항: Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, Windows 8, Server 2012, Windows 10 32-bit, 64-bit

FTPUSE 명령문은 NET USE 문과 유사하며, 다음과같다:

FTPUSE devicename [ftphostname[/remotepath] [password]]

Sets the name of the device to be connected to or disconnected from an FTP share 

Sets the name, IP address or IPv6 address of the FTP server you want to connect to 

Sets the name of a remote folder to be used as the main folder for the mapped drive 

Sets the password required to access the FTP server 

Sets the user name to be used to log onto the remote computer 

Establishes an active connection with the FTP server (active mode) 

The mapped drive will be accessible only from the application from which FTPUSE was launched 

Sets the TCP port number which should be used to connect to the FTP server. TCP port 21 is used by default. 

Debug mode. 

Deletes the established connection with the FTP Server. 


ftp.microsoft.com 루트폴더에 F: 드라이브명 매핑(지정)

FTPUSE F: ftp.microsoft.com 

To assign the disk-drive device name F: to the developr folder on the ftp.microsoft.com server as if the connection were made from the anonymous user account , type: 

FTPUSE F: ftp.microsoft.com/developr ftpuse@example /USER:anonymous 

매핑된 드라이브 삭제: 


To execute the command in the background, type:

  • start ftpuse f: ftp.microsoft.com (batch file)
  • start /B ftpuse f: ftp.microsoft.com (batch file)
  • powershell -WindowStyle Hidden ftpuse f: ftp.microsoft.com (powershell)
  • WshShell.Run('ftpuse f: ftp.microsoft.com', 0, false); (javascript)

FTPUSE needs drivers, and so it is distributed as an installation package. The installer includes DOKAN file system drivers and the FTPUSE application. FTPUSE runs under: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10; x64 or x86. 




SSH(SFTP) filesystem made using Dokan and SSH.NET library. It allows you to mount remote computers via SFTP protocol like windows network drives.

지원되는 인증방법들

  • password
  • private-key (OpenSsh private key format)


알려진 버그들

  • Due the nature of symlink mapping(Windows is unaware of it) the deletion of symlink that points to directory will result in deleting of source directories content.
  • If you get disconnect(disconnected by server,internet connection malfunction and similar) drive may become unresponsive and you have toterminate the Sshfs.exe process and start it again. manually unmount him and mount again.
